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Showing posts from May, 2010

Two Poems

The Nature of Love. They were the truest words I ever spoke. I love you, now and for always not because we are one ...together, but because you're you and I am me. This was our moment. It was beautiful. It is beautiful. It will always be. (c) 2010 Waking Up * Lo siento. No entiendo. Las estrellas estan en el cielo, pero quiero ocultar mi cara de ellos . Las olas bailan en el mar, pero quiero correr antes ellos cogerme. Todo acerca de mi es vida. pero siento un poco de muerte. (c) 2010 *Here's the translation... I'm sorry. I don't understand. The stars are in the sky, but I want to hide my face from them. The waves dance in the sea, but I want to run before they catch me. All around me is life, but I feel a little death.

More Than Just a Chest Funk

I've been in a bit of a funk lately. Life seems to have caught up with me, and my usual optimism has been completely veiled by morose expressions and quick displays of frustrations. I think all I seem to say to people right now is, "I'm sorry. Ignore me. I have to work through this." For four weeks, now, I've been sick with food poisoning, a cold, and some chest funk that WON'T GO AWAY. I can't run, and I so need to run. I can't sleep at night. Throw into that mix a breakup and a few unfortunate and quirky dates that have me wondering if there really are any decent men left. Let me enjoy the darkness and solitude of the bottom for a bit. I'm restless and irritable here, but I'm here nonetheless. Yesterday, while driving home along US27, I stopped on the side of the road to take some pictures. I've eyed this spot each time I've passed, and I finally stopped because I needed to do something a bit spontaneous. (And let's just say that ...

The Same Spot

During lunch today, my friend and I were discussing the current economic and social issues facing Europe right now. It was a rather in-depth conversation for two Americans, but we're both very interested in different cultures. She even lived in Spain for a year in college and started her teaching career there. (She is also my biggest supporter for the idea of moving abroad for a few years.) I've listened to many of her stories and been completely enthralled by her adventures through Spain and Mexico. I'll be honest, I'm even a bit jealous. She lived the kind of life I wish I had lived (and deliberately gave up for what I thought would be marriage and a family). I certainly didn't choose a path in life that would have allowed for that ten years ago. This rumbled through my head as she told me today that she doesn't regret any of those adventures and that they make her more appreciative of her time now. "Naples has nothing more exciting to offer me than where...


I went to the beach yesterday with a friend. He is going home for a visit with his family and friends and, like everyone who spends time in Florida, wants to show off a golden tan. We headed out around 6:00 and enjoyed the Gulf breeze, setting sun, and European pop music. I'm not sure whether I think sunrise or sunset is more magical. They both certainly have their merits, but I am much more familiar with the nuances of the sunset. I know how the light shifts ever so subtly from bright, blinding white to gentle golden followed by soft rose and into darkness. My friend had never seen the sunset over the sea, and I was really excited about the chance to see it with him. Of course, I also had no idea what to expect because he's a guy, and I can count on one hand the number of men I know who actually consider the sunset a form of entertainment. This one is different, though. We sat on our beach towels side by side, mirror images of each other. Legs pulled to chest and wrapped with ...