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Showing posts from January, 2015

New Year. New Me.

Uff...I'm really not one for resolutions, mostly because I hate the thought of restricting life changes to one day of the year. I like to believe we are constantly evolving and morphing into new creatures. Yet, it is now 2015, and I want to embrace the spirit of change. 2014 was a rough year for me. I discovered an amazing song by an Argentine singer that really summed up my life experience lately. Ojos de Papel...Eyes of Paper. Seriously, if you looked at me recently, you would see the lifelessness. Paper is a dead tree, and that's where I've been. It's also a springboard for new life, and that's where I want to go. There are no resolutions here...just some big plans. 1. Publishing a manuscript I wrote 7 years ago. 2. Publishing teaching materials. 3. Embracing meditation and mindfulness. 4. Starting a new blog. 5. Continuing the quest for a baby. 6. Moving on with life after a nearly 2 year slump. (Thanks a lot jackasses in Washington!) And some not so big plans.....