Here's a little bliss in my world today:
I made bacon this morning. You won't find Giada raving about my culinary creation of white bread, American cheese, bacon, and butter. Move over Philadelphia cream cheese; this is heavenly.
I took a lovely bath last night and shaved my legs, used a diffuser to dry my hair into soft curls, and put on a fun satin night gown. I'm still in it and have no plans to change at this point. (This is my tiara substitution.)
I have several poems and stories working away in my head. I'm resting this morning in the knowledge that this is just the way I write them. When they are ready to be birthed, they will let me know.
All the laundry in the house is completely done. That means washed, folded, and put away.
I feel good this morning. Industrious. Beautiful. Extraordinary.
I made bacon this morning. You won't find Giada raving about my culinary creation of white bread, American cheese, bacon, and butter. Move over Philadelphia cream cheese; this is heavenly.
I took a lovely bath last night and shaved my legs, used a diffuser to dry my hair into soft curls, and put on a fun satin night gown. I'm still in it and have no plans to change at this point. (This is my tiara substitution.)
I have several poems and stories working away in my head. I'm resting this morning in the knowledge that this is just the way I write them. When they are ready to be birthed, they will let me know.
All the laundry in the house is completely done. That means washed, folded, and
I feel good this morning. Industrious. Beautiful. Extraordinary.