Por fin...el ultima dia de 2011! What a year! What stands out to me right now is the number of shooting stars I've seen this year. Despite the fact that I'm not exactly superstitious, I have wished on a few of them. Those nearly secret whispers that rise from a deep place within. I know if you read my blog, you know exactly what I mean. For the record, one of them has already come true. I'm hoping the other is right behind it. :) Wishes aside, it's been an interesting year, as usual. Choosing to live life deliberately opens those types of doors, and I am daily amazed by how blessed I am to experience all that is before me. This year has been learning Portuguese, traveling to Spain, creating more art, and meeting the most amazing man with the most marvelous smile to greet me in the morning. I've also learned a very important lesson. It's really not about me. I've spent a lot of time worrying about others' perceptions of me, but I think I finally understan...